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What You Should Know About Carpets & Indoor Air Quality

By now, most homeowners understand the importance of changing their filters on a regular basis to help improve indoor air quality and maintain the efficiency of your system. But one thing you may not have realized is that any carpeting in your home can act as an air filter that slowly chips away at your air quality. 

Be mindful of the following information from our HVAC contractor near Denham Springs, but know that we are here to answer your questions if you have them. 

How Your Carpets Keep Air More Breathable

It’s natural for carpets to trap microscopic particles, but when they reach a certain level of saturation, carpets are no longer effective at acting as a barrier. 

This is also applicable in your office space; if you have a surplus of carpets, there’s a chance they are contributing to high levels of pollution that can lead to underlying health issues.

Does Vacuuming Help?

Your first instinct may be to pull out the vacuum. While that is helpful, it doesn’t eliminate the problem. Vacuuming still leaves pollutants behind which increases their chances of circulating throughout the air. If your home or business doesn’t have the right ventilation, these particles can cause damage.

What You Should Know About Carpets & Indoor Air Quality

What Can You Do?

Make sure that all of your air vents are exposed and not blocked off by furniture to help keep air flowing. Keeping up with HVAC maintenance, such as reaching out to our HVAC contractor in Denham Springs, can help you stay on top of any issues stemming from your carpet. 

Of course, getting your carpet professionally cleaned is also helpful, but make sure there is a drying method at the end of the process to ensure mold and mildew don’t form as a result. 

Contact Our Team at AccuTemp

If you want to learn more about how your carpet acts as a filter, please reach out to us at AccuTemp today. We offer trusted HVAC, indoor air quality, and plumbing services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana along with other locations. Give our team of professionals a call at (225) 238-8495 to learn more about ways to improve the air quality in your house.

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Financing Options Available

At AccuTemp, we understand how important it is for your HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems to function in your home. This is why we offer flexible financing options to help you take care of your new purchase, so you can get back to taking care of what matters most to you.
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Star Service Plan

Well-maintained HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems can save you from having to invest in costly repairs down the road. Learn more about the Star Service Plan offered by AccuTemp Services.
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License # LMP 15803
License # LMNGF 15915


2027 N Harco Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70815
(225) 267-8119

2600 Government St 
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
(225) 399-7067

621 Distributors Row Suite F 
Elmwood, LA 70123

7020 U.S. Hwy 190 Suite A, Covington, LA
(985) 200-1243

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